
100 Collocations List in English with Examples

100 Collocations List in English with Examples

I  am going to teach you 100 Collocations Examples! but first of all, let’s learn what collocations are! Collocations are words that are often used together and understanding them is very important for speaking fluently. In this post, we’ll  discuss 100 common collocations, that will surely help you improve your vocabulary and look more natural when you speak English. From –> strong coffee to heavy rain<– these examples are going to enhance your language skills and bring a lot of confidence.

Now, you will learn different Types of Colocations:

Adjective-Noun Collocations:
heavy rain, bright sunshine, strong coffee

Noun-Noun Collocations:
business partner, coffee table, toothbrush holder

Verb-Noun Collocations:
take a shower, make a decision, break a record

Adverb-Adjective Collocations:
extremely hot, incredibly fast, quite interesting

Verb-Adverb Collocations:
run quickly, speak softly, study diligently

Verb-Preposition Collocations:
look at, listen to, care for

Adjective-Preposition Collocations:
afraid of, interested in, famous for

Noun-Preposition Collocations:
aware of, similar to, good at

Verb-Object Collocations:
take notes, give advice, make friends

Verb-Adjective Collocations:
run late, feel tired, become angry

Noun-Verb Collocations:
an offer appeared, an opportunity arose

Noun-Adjective Collocations:
a happy family, a busy street, a red car

Noun-Verb-Object Collocations:
take a look at, have a chat with, make a decision about

Verb-Adverbial Phrase Collocations:
go for a walk, wait with bated breath, fall in love

Verb-Preposition-Object Collocations:
believe in (e.g., believe in yourself), depend on (e.g., depend on your support), listen to (e.g., listen to music)

Adjective-Noun-Preposition Collocations:
afraid of heights, interested in science, famous for its cuisine

Noun-Adjective-Preposition Collocations:
a person of interest, an event of historical significance

Noun-Adjective-Noun Collocations:
a cup of hot coffee, a bowl of delicious soup

Noun-Noun-Preposition Collocations:
a city with a population of, a company in the field of

Verb-Adjective-Preposition Collocations:
run out of time, be interested in science, fall in love with

100 Collocations List in English with Examples

collocations List in English

Collocations with Examples

Collocation Example
Make a decision I need to make a decision about which college to attend.
Take a break Let’s take a break and grab a cup of coffee.
Give advice She always gives good advice when I’m feeling down.
Keep a promise It’s important to keep your promises to build trust.
Break the news She had to break the news to her parents about the accident.
Catch someone’s eye The bright colors of the painting caught my eye.
Do your best I’ll do my best to finish the project on time.
Pay attention Please pay attention to the instructions before starting.
Take a look Can you take a look at this document and provide feedback?
Keep a secret I can always trust her to keep my secrets.
Meet a deadline We need to work efficiently to meet the deadline.
Break a record The athlete broke the world record for the 100m sprint.
Make an effort She made a significant effort to improve her skills.
Lose your temper He rarely loses his temper, even in stressful situations.
Have a chat Let’s sit down and have a chat over a cup of tea.
Take a risk Entrepreneurship involves taking calculated risks.
Keep the peace Diplomats work to keep the peace between nations.
Catch a cold I caught a cold after being out in the rain.
Give a presentation She gave an excellent presentation at the conference.
Break a promise It’s not a good idea to break a promise to your friends.
Do the dishes I’ll cook dinner, and you can do the dishes afterward.
Pay a compliment She paid him a sincere compliment on his new haircut.
Take notes It’s important to take good notes during lectures.
Make a reservation I called to make a reservation at the restaurant.
Keep a diary Keeping a diary helps me remember important events.
Meet someone’s expectations I hope my work will meet the company’s expectations.
Break the ice To ease the tension, she tried to break the ice with a joke.
Do your homework I can’t go out with you tonight; I need to do my homework.
Pay a visit I’m planning to pay a visit to my grandmother this weekend.
Take a shower After the workout, I’ll take a quick shower.
Keep a distance It’s important to keep a safe distance in a crowded place.
Make an exception We don’t usually allow pets, but we can make an exception for you.
Give a speech The mayor will give a speech at the town hall meeting.
Take a chance Sometimes, you need to take a chance to achieve your goals.
Keep in mind When traveling, it’s important to keep safety in mind.
Break a habit It’s hard to break a bad habit, but it can be done with effort.
Do research Scientists do extensive research to make discoveries.
Pay the bill It’s polite to pay the bill after a meal at a restaurant.
Meet a requirement To graduate, you must meet the academic requirements.
Give a hand Can you give me a hand with moving this heavy furniture?
Take a stand It’s important to take a stand on important social issues.
Keep an eye on Parents need to keep an eye on their children in public places.
Break a rule If you break a rule in this school, there are consequences.
Make a suggestion Please make a suggestion on how to improve our project.
Lose track of time When I’m reading a good book, I often lose track of time.
Have a meal Let’s have a meal together and catch up.
Take a deep breath When stressed, it helps to take a deep breath to calm down.
Give it a try You won’t know if you like it until you give it a try.
Keep your word Always keep your word to maintain trust in relationships.
Meet a challenge We need to work together to meet the challenge ahead.
Break the cycle Breaking the cycle of poverty is a long-term goal.
Do your duty Soldiers are trained to do their duty in times of war.
Pay the price If you don’t study, you’ll pay the price on the exam.
Make a difference Volunteers can make a difference in their communities.
Take a seat Please take a seat while we wait for the doctor.
Give a warning The lifeguard gave a warning about the strong currents.
Keep the secret It’s important to keep the secret until the surprise party.
Meet a goal The team worked hard to meet their sales goals.
Break the news The journalist was the first to break the news of the election results.
Do business They do business with clients from around the world.
Pay attention To learn, you must pay close attention in class.
Take a turn It’s your turn to make a decision.
Have a look Let’s have a look at the new fashion collection.
Give an example Can you give an example of how this works?
Keep a record It’s essential to keep a record of your expenses.
Meet a deadline We need to work late to meet the project deadline.
Break the silence He decided to break the silence by speaking up.
Make an announcement The company will make an announcement at the conference.
Take a photo Let’s take a photo to capture this moment.
Give permission Can you give me permission to access your files?
Keep the balance It’s important to keep the balance in your life.
Do the shopping I need to do the shopping for groceries today.
Pay a visit I’ll pay a visit to my friend who’s in the hospital.
Take a step Sometimes, you have to take a step outside your comfort zone.
Give a smile She gave a warm smile to everyone in the room.
Keep the faith During difficult times, it’s essential to keep the faith.
Meet expectations We aim to meet customer expectations.
Break a sweat To stay healthy, you should break a sweat regularly.
Make a request I’d like to make a request for some time off.
Take a chance Don’t be afraid to take a chance and try something new.
Give a gift She gave a thoughtful gift for my birthday.
Keep a straight face It’s hard to keep a straight face during a comedy show.
Do your best In the competition, always aim to do your best.
Pay the rent Make sure to pay the rent on time each month.
Take a breath It’s important to take a deep breath when you’re stressed.
Give a speech The president will give a speech at the ceremony.
Keep in touch We need to keep in touch even though we live far apart.
Meet a friend I’m planning to meet a friend for lunch.
Break a leg The actors wished each other luck by saying “break a leg.”
Make a plan Let’s make a plan for the upcoming road trip.
Take a holiday I’m exhausted; I need to take a holiday soon.
Give a nod He gave a nod of approval to the proposal.
Keep the promise Always keep your promises to maintain trust.
Do a favor Can you do me a favor and pick up my mail?
Pay the penalty If you violate the rules, you’ll have to pay the penalty.
Make a suggestion I’d like to make a suggestion for our next project.
Take a risk Starting a business involves taking a big risk.
Give an opinion He gave his honest opinion about the movie.
Keep the secret I trust her to keep my secrets.
Meet a stranger She was nervous to meet a stranger at the party.
Break the chain We need to break the chain of addiction.
Make a reservation I called to make a reservation at the hotel.
Give directions He gave clear directions to the lost tourist.
Take a stand It’s time to take a stand against injustice.
Keep the pace To complete the marathon, you must keep the pace.
Do the right thing It’s essential to always do the right thing.
Pay attention Students need to pay attention in class to learn.
Take a chance She decided to take a chance on her dream job.
Give a hand Can you give me a hand moving this heavy box?
Keep the change You can keep the change from the coffee purchase.
Meet a deadline We’re working hard to meet the project deadline.
Break the mold This new technology will break the mold in the industry.
Make a wish On your birthday, you can make a wish before blowing out the candles.
Take a hike When he insulted her, she told him to take a hike.
Give a performance The band gave an incredible performance last night.
Keep the faith During tough times, it’s important to keep the faith.
Do a favor Can you do me a favor and pick up my kids from school?
Pay the price Neglecting your health may result in having to pay the price later.
Make an effort She always makes an effort to help others.
Take a shower After the workout, I need to take a quick shower.

Collocations with Different WORDS

Get Collocations

  • get permission
  • get the picture
  • get started
  • get lost
  • get fired
  • get home
  • get a job
  • get a life
  • get divorced
  • get drunk
  • get excited

Do Collocations

  • do your hair
  • do some work
  • do someone a favor
  • do something right
  • do something wrong
  • do the dishes
  • do your best
  • do nothing
  • do harm
  • do an exercise
  • do a cake

Make Collocations

  • make a point
  • make sense
  • make a promise
  • make a profit
  • make progress
  • make breakfast
  • make the bed
  • make trouble
  • make furniture
  • make a noise
  • make a mess

Break Collocations

  • break a promise
  • break the law
  • break the rules
  • break a neck
  • break a glass
  • break a record
  • break a leg
  • break the ice
  • break free
  • break a promise
  • break the law

Catch Collocations

  • catch a ball
  • catch a cold
  • catch a chill
  • catch the flu
  • catch one’s breath
  • catch someone’s eye
  • catch a thief
  • catch some rays
  • catch a glimpse

Come Collocations

  • come to an agreement
  • come on time
  • come close
  • come in last
  • come into view
  • come early
  • come in first
  • come late
  • come second

Save Collocations

  • save someone’s life
  • save one’s strength
  • save something to a disk
  • save someone a seat
  • save energy
  • save time
  • save space
  • save money
  • Save lives
  • Save something
  • Save a short
  • Save a penalty

keep Collocations

  • Keep up the good work
  • keep in touch
  • keep track of
  • keep tabs on
  • keep in mind
  • keep something at bay
  • keep someone
  • keep someone’s place
  • keep someone posted
  • keep up
  • keep your job
  • keep safe

Pay Collocations

  • pay attention
  • pay interest
  • pay a fine
  • pay a visit
  • pay a compliment
  • pay someone a visit
  • pay wages
  • pay by credit card
  • Pay a bill
  • pay attention
  • Pay cash
  • Pay one’s respect

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