
Comprehensive Guide to Common Symbols: Names and Pictures

Comprehensive Guide to Common Symbols: Names and Pictures

Symbols are used for having meaningful communication and understanding. It is a sign that is used to represent any particular idea or to describe a relationship. It is really important to learn symbols’ names for effective communication and remember that each symbol has a very unique meaning and purpose.
The whole communication is made through these symbols. The Symbols can be explained by the following elements: Visual images, sounds, letters, or words to convey the message.

What is a Symbol?

A symbol is like a picture or a sign that is used to represent something else. It helps us understand things without using a lot of words. For example, a smiley face can show happiness. In math, symbols like + and – help us do calculations. Symbols can be found everywhere, like in emojis, traffic signs, and logos. They make it easier to communicate ideas quickly and clearly.

Comprehensive Guide to Common Symbols: Names and Pictures

Comprehensive Guide to Common Symbols: Names and Pictures

Symbols Name List

Serial No. Symbol Name
1 ! Exclamation Mark
2 Quotation Marks
3 # Pound Sign (Hash)
4 $ Dollar Sign
5 % Percent Sign
6 & Ampersand
7 Apostrophe
8 ( Left Parenthesis
9 ) Right Parenthesis
10 * Asterisk
11 + Plus Sign
12 , Comma
13 Hyphen (Minus Sign)
14 . Period (Full Stop)
15 / Slash
16 : Colon
17 ; Semicolon
18 < Less Than Sign
19 = Equal Sign
20 > Greater Than Sign
21 ? Question Mark
22 @ At Symbol
23 [ Left Square Bracket
24 \ Backslash
25 ] Right Square Bracket
26 ^ Caret (Circumflex)
27 _ Underscore
28 ` Grave Accent
29 { Left Curly Brace
30 } Right Curly Brace
31 ~ Tilde
32 ¬ Not Sign
33 ¦ Broken Vertical Bar
34 Dagger
35 Double Dagger
36 Bullet (Dot)
37 Per Mille Sign
38 Single Left-Pointing
39 Single Right-Pointing
40 Euro Sign
41 Trademark Sign
42 × Multiplication Sign
43 ÷ Division Sign
44 © Copyright Sign
45 ® Registered Trademark
46 Ohm Sign
47 µ Micro Sign
48 Delta
49 Infinity
50 ± Plus-Minus Sign
51 ° Degree Sign
52 § Section Sign
53 ¢ Cent Sign
54 £ Pound Sterling Sign
55 ¥ Yen Sign
56 Square Root
57 Not Equal To
58 Similar To
59 Not Equal To
60 Summation
61 Increment

List of Symbols with Description

Exclamation Mark:
It is used to indicate strong feelings or excitement. It can also be used to express surprise or to emphasize a statement.

Quotation Marks:

It is used to enclose a direct quotation or indicate the beginning and end of a dialogue in writing.

Pound Sign:

It is often used to represent numbers, especially on social media, or to indicate a hashtag.

Dollar Sign:
This symbol is for the currency of the United States and other countries. Also, used to represent money or prices.

Percent Sign:
It is used to Represent one part in a hundred and is often used to express a percentage.

A symbol that stands for the word “and” and is commonly used in abbreviations, as well as in company names and logos.

It is used to indicate possession, contraction, or to mark omitted letters in contractions.

( )
It is used to enclose supplementary information or clarify a point within a sentence.

It is often used to indicate a footnote or for emphasis in writing.

Plus Sign:
It is used to represents addition in mathematics and can be used to indicate a positive aspect or inclusion.

It is used to separate items in a list, create pauses, and clarify sentence structure.


It is used to  join words or parts of words, especially in compound words.

Period(Full Stop):
It is used to mark the end of a sentence and is used for abbreviations, decimals, and in numbers.


It is Often used to separate items in a list or to indicate alternatives.


It is used to Introduces a list or an explanation, or separates hours and minutes in time.


It is used to join two closely related sentences or clauses, or to separate items in a complex list.

Less Than Sign:

It is used to Indicate something is smaller or less than another quantity in mathematics and comparisons.

Equal Sign:

It is used to Signify equality or that two things are the same.

Greater Than Sign:

It is used to Indicate something is greater or more than another quantity in mathematics and comparisons.

Question Mark:

It is used to marks the end of a question and is used to indicate inquiry.

At Symbol:

It is used to in email addresses and social media usernames.

Square Brackets:
([ ])

It is used to Enclose additional, explanatory, or optional information.


It is Often used in computer programming and file paths.

Caret (Circumflex):

It is used in mathematics and computer programming to indicate exponentiation or bitwise XOR.


It is often used in email addresses, usernames, and computer programming.

Grave Accent:

It is rarely used in English but may indicate pronunciation in some cases.

Curly Braces:
({ })

It is used to enclose sets, blocks of code, or to indicate something important.

Vertical Bar (Pipe):

It is used in computer programming and data processing to denote “OR.”


It is Often used in mathematics, URLs, and some programming languages.

Comprehensive Guide to Common Symbols: Names and Pictures

Comprehensive Guide to Common Symbols: Names and Pictures

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