
Adjective Clauses

Mastering Adjective Clauses: Types & Examples

Adjective Clause, words like whose,’ your,  and ‘his’ are used to show ownership. They make sentences more interesting and help learners understand English better. The blog covers why these words are important, the different kinds of them, and provides examples.  It teaches how to use these words effectively to improve English skills.

What is Adjective Clause?

An adjective clause, also called a relative clause, is a group of words that acts like an adjective. It gives more details about a noun or pronoun in the sentence, making it clearer or more descriptive.

  • The dog that chased the mailman is friendly.
  • The girl, whose backpack is purple, is my sister.
  • We visited the park where we played last summer.

Formation of Adjective Clauses:

Forming an adjective clause involves simple three-step process.

1. Identify the Noun:

Start by picking the noun you want to explain. This noun is the main subject of your sentence and will be the focus of the extra details.

  • The book that I borrowed is on the table.
  • The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

2. Select a Connecting Word:

Next,  you should choose a connecting word like who, which, or that. This word links the extra details to the noun, creating a bridge between them.

  • The book that I bought yesterday is really interesting.
  • She lives in the house that has a red door.

3. Provide More Information:

After the connecting word (like who, which, or that), give more details about the noun. These details can tell what the noun is like, what it does, or what it has.

  • The book that is on the table is mine.
  • The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
Mastering Adjective Clauses: Types & Examples

Adjective Clause in English

Types of Adjective Clause

  • Restrictive Adjective Clause
  • Non-Restrictive Adjective Clause
  • Adjective Clause with a Relative Adverb
  • Adjective Clause with an Omitted Relative Pronoun
  • Adjective Clause with ‘Whose’

1. Restrictive Adjective Clause

A restrictive adjective clause provides essential information about the noun. It does not require commas because it is necessary for the meaning of the sentence.

  • The student who studies hard always scores well.
  • The dress that she bought yesterday is beautiful.

2. Non-Restrictive Adjective Clause

A non-restrictive adjective clause provides additional, non-essential information. It is set off with commas.

  • My brother, who lives in Canada, is visiting us next week.
  • The Eiffel Tower, which is located in Paris, is a famous landmark.

3. Adjective Clause with a Relative Adverb

This type of clause starts with a relative adverb (when, where, why) and modifies a noun related to time, place, or reason.

  • I will never forget the day when I graduated.
  • This is the house where I grew up.

4. Adjective Clause with an Omitted Relative Pronoun

Sometimes, the relative pronoun can be omitted if it functions as the object of the clause.

  • The movie (that) we watched last night was amazing.
  • The book (which) she recommended is a bestseller.

5. Adjective Clause with ‘Whose’

A clause using whose shows possession.

  • The boy whose father is a doctor won the award.
  • That is the car whose engine broke down.

Adjective Clause vs Adjective Phrase

FeatureAdjective ClauseAdjective Phrase
DefinitionA dependent clause that describes a noun.A group of words (without a subject-verb pair) that describes a noun.
Contains Subject & Verb?YesNo
Answers the QuestionWhich one? What kind?Which one? What kind?
Common Words Usedwho, whom, whose, which, thatNo conjunctions, just adjectives or prepositional phrases.
ExampleThe book that I borrowed was interesting.The book on the table is mine.

Adjective Clause Examples

  1. The blue car that was parked outside is mine.
  2. She bought a dress with sequins that shimmer in the light.
  3. I met a person whose dog won the local pet show.
  4. The book, written by a famous author, is a bestseller.
  5. The movie, filmed in France, received critical acclaim.
  6. The cake, baked by my mom, tasted delicious.
  7. The house, located on the corner, has a beautiful garden.
  8. He wore a shirt that matched his shoes perfectly.
  9. The student who studies late at night always scores well.
  10. The museum, which showcases ancient artifacts, is a must-visit.

Common Mistakes with Adjective Clause

1. Using the Wrong Relative Pronoun

The boy which won the race is my friend.
The boy who won the race is my friend. (Use “who” for people, “which” for things.)

2. Omitting the Necessary Relative Pronoun

The car I bought yesterday is red. (Incorrect in formal writing)
The car that I bought yesterday is red. (In formal writing, include “that” or “which” when necessary.)

3. Misplacing the Adjective Clause

She gave a gift to the girl in a red box who won the contest.
She gave a gift to the girl who won the contest in a red box. (Place the clause right after the noun it describes.)

4. Using “That” Instead of “Who” for People in Formal Writing

The teacher that helped me was kind.
The teacher who helped me was kind. (Use “who” for people in formal writing.)

5. Forgetting to Use Commas with Non-Essential Clauses

My brother who lives in New York is coming to visit.
My brother, who lives in New York, is coming to visit. (Use commas for non-essential information.)

FAQs on Adjective Clauses

1. What is an adjective clause?

An adjective clause is a dependent clause that describes a noun or pronoun. It usually starts with who, whom, whose, which, or that.

2. What’s the difference between an adjective clause and an adjective phrase?

An adjective clause has a subject and verb, while an adjective phrase does not.

  • Clause: The book that I borrowed is interesting.
  • Phrase: The book on the table is interesting.

3. When should I use “who” vs. “that” in an adjective clause?

Use “who” for people (The teacher who helped me is nice.) and “that” for things (The book that I read was great.).

4. Do I always need to use “that” or “which” in an adjective clause?

Not always! In informal speech, it’s okay to omit them
(The book I borrowed was interesting), but they are necessary in formal writing.

5. How do I know if I need commas in an adjective clause?

Use commas if the clause adds extra (non-essential) information:

My sister, who lives in London, is visiting.

The girl who won the contest is my friend.

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