Example Sentences

Possessive Pronouns Examples Sentences In English

Possessive Pronouns Examples Sentences In English

Possessive pronouns are words that show something belongs to someone. They make sentences shorter and clearer. Instead of repeating names or nouns, possessive pronouns help us talk about ownership easily. They make speaking and writing simpler and easier to understand.

Possessive Pronouns Examples Sentences In English

Possessive Pronouns Examples Sentences In English

Possessive Pronouns Examples Sentences:

  • This book is mine.
  • The car outside is hers.
  • The decision is yours to make.
  • That house on the corner is theirs.
  • His ideas were more innovative than ours.
  • The responsibility is entirely theirs.
  • This laptop is his.
  • These shoes are mine.
  • Is this pen yours?
  • That bag is hers.
  • The cat on the couch is ours.
  • This victory is theirs.
  • The choice is mine.
  • The mistake was his.
  • The problem is ours to solve.
  • This is their dog.
  • The house is theirs, not ours.
  • The blame is entirely mine.
  • That book is his.
  • This painting is hers.
  • This problem is yours to fix.
  • That bike is mine.
  • The fault is theirs.
  • His argument was more convincing than ours.
  • This project is ours.
  • The blame is not hers.
  • The wallet on the table is mine.
  • This decision is yours.
  • The trophy is theirs.
  • That dog is hers.
  • The seat is his.
  • The last piece of cake is mine.
  • This land is theirs.
  • The book on the shelf is mine.
  • The responsibility is hers.
  • This room is ours.
  • The essay was theirs.
  • The pen on the desk is his.
  • The problem is yours to resolve.
  • This seat is hers.
  • The dog is theirs.
  • The prize is his.
  • This success is ours.
  • The issue is mine.
  • The coat is hers.
  • The plan is theirs.
  • This idea is yours.
  • The decision is his.
  • The responsibility is ours.
  • The opportunity is theirs.
  • The error was mine.
  • This car is theirs.
  • The pen is hers.
  • The choice is his.
  • This victory is mine.
  • The fault is ours.
  • The shoes are hers.
  • The assignment is yours.
  • The credit is theirs.
  • The project is his.
  • The book is mine.
  • The responsibility is his.
  • The idea was hers.
  • The keys are ours.
  • The pen is mine.
  • The coat is his.
  • The answer is yours.
  • The house is mine.
  • The victory is ours.
  • The job is his.
  • The blame is theirs.
  • The opinion is hers.
  • The dog is ours.
  • The decision was his.
  • The result is yours.

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