
Comprehensive List of 100 Prefixes and Suffixes in English

Comprehensive List of 100 Prefixes and Suffixes in English

Prefixes and suffixes are important parts of words that we can add to sentences to change their meaning. A prefix is used at the beginning of a word, while a suffix is used at the end of words. For example, in the word ‘unhappy,’ UN ‘ is a prefix meaning ‘not, and ‘-ly’ is a suffix meaning ‘in a certain way. Learning about prefixes and suffixes can help us understand and use words better.

Comprehensive List of 100 Prefixes and Suffixes in English

Comprehensive List of 100 Prefixes and Suffixes in English

What is Prefix and Suffix?

A prefix is a little part we add at the beginning of a word. It changes or adds meaning to the word.
In ‘unhappy’ here the word UN turns the following word ‘Happy’ to  —> not happy.

A suffix is a part we add at the end of a word. It also changes or adds meaning.
In careful hereFull’  is the main word which means full of,  when a new word added at the end of this words, it becomes
–> Full of care.

Prefix Examples:

  • Un- (e.g., unlock)
  • Re- (e.g., redo)
  • Pre- (e.g., preview)

Suffix Examples:

  • -er (e.g., teacher)
  • -ing (e.g., running)
  • -ful (e.g., playful)

Spelling Rules to Be Followed When Adding a Prefix or a Suffix

♦ Keep the Main Word:
The main word stays the same. For example, ‘happiness’ is the words that keeps the following word happy as its main word.

♦ Change Spelling Sometimes:
Sometimes, you need to change how a word is spelled. Like  here ‘dependent’ is the words which becomes independent  when you add IN at the beginning of this word.

♦ Double Letters:
If you add a suffix starting with a vowel (like -ing or -ed) to a word ending in one vowel and one consonant, double the last letter.
So, here Stop is a word that becomes Stopped with the addition of ED at the end.

♦ Drop Silent E:
If a word has a silent E at the end and you add a suffix starting with a vowel, drop the silent E from the last of this word. For example, the word hope Here turns into —> hoping

♦ Change Y to I:
When a word ends in a consonant and ‘y,’  we need to change the Y to I  before adding a suffix. Like we we have this word happy it becomes —>happier. when we change the letter Y to I. 

Suffixes and Prefixes Examples

Prefix Examples

Prefix Meaning Example Word Example Sentence
Inter- Between Connect The bridge helps interconnect the two islands.
Intra- Within Personal Intrapersonal skills are essential for self-awareness.
Trans- Across, beyond Atlantic The transatlantic flight took several hours.
Mal- Bad, evil Function A malfunction indicates a malfunctioning system.
En- Cause to Rich Hard work can enrich one’s life.
Anti- Against Social She is an antisocial person, preferring solitude.
Co- Together, with Operate The team needs to cooperate for success.
Hyper- Over, excessive Active An hyperactive child may have difficulty sitting still.
Sub- Under, below Marine The submarine explored the depths of the ocean.
Pro- In favor of, supporting Active Being proactive is essential for success.
Multi- Many Cultural Our society is diverse with a multicultural population.
Per- Through Spective The artist used a unique perspective in the painting.
Neo- New, modern Classical Neoclassical music combines traditional and modern elements.
Circum- Around Navigate Sailors learn to circumnavigate the globe.
Anti- Against Social She is an antisocial person, preferring solitude.
Auto- Self Biography An autobiography tells one’s life story.
Tele- Distant Vision Television brings distant events to our homes.
Semi- Half Circle A semicircle has a curved shape like half a circle.
Post- After War Postwar reconstruction efforts were significant.
Micro- Small Organism A microorganism can only be seen under a microscope.
Retro- Backward, behind Grade The school decided to retrograde the student to a lower class.
Uni- One Verse The idea of a multiverse challenges the idea of a universe.
Over- Too much, excessive Achieve Attempting to overachieve can lead to burnout.
Extra- Beyond, outside Curricular The school offers extracurricular activities.
Bi- Two Weekly The team has biweekly meetings to discuss progress.
Semi- Half Circle A semicircle has a curved shape like half a circle.
Dis- Opposite of Similar The two paintings were dissimilar in style.
Macro- Large, long Economics Macroeconomics studies the overall economy.
Anti- Against Inflammatory The medication has anti-inflammatory properties.
Circum- Around Navigate Sailors learn to circumnavigate the globe.
Comprehensive List of 100 Prefixes and Suffixes in English

Comprehensive List of 100 Prefixes and Suffixes in English

Suffix Examples

Suffix Meaning Example Word Example Sentence
-Ary Relating to Liter A book is a literary work of art.
-Ous Having, full of Marvel The landscape was marvelous, full of natural wonders.
-Ward Direction, in the direction of Down She walked downward towards the valley.
-Ful Full of Help The volunteer’s actions were helpful to the community.
-Ology Study of Biology Biology is the ology that studies living organisms.
-Phobia Fear of Arachn Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders.
-Ism Doctrine, belief Capital Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership.
-Eer Engaged in, associated with Puppet A puppeteer is skilled in manipulating puppets during a performance.
-Ial Relating to Colon The grammarian explained the correct usage of colial punctuation.
-Tion Act or process of Educate The act of educating is called education
-Tion Act or process of Educate The act of educating is called education.
-Ive Tending to Attract The colorful display is attractive to the audience.
-Fy Make, form into Terrify The horror movie will terrify even the bravest viewer.
-Ous Full of, having Joy The atmosphere was joyous during the celebration.
-Itis Inflammation of Tendon Tendonitis causes pain and swelling in the tendons.
-Y Characterized by Happ The child’s laughter sounded happy and carefree.
-Ish Somewhat Child The toy was suitable for a childish play.
-En Cause to Strengthen Exercise can help enstrengthen your muscles.
-Able Capable of Depend Being dependable means being trustable.
-Ology Study of Psychology Psychology is the study of the mind
-Ish Somewhat Fool His explanation sounded foolish.
-Able Capable of Understand With practice, the concept becomes understandable.
-Ous Full of, having Marvel The landscape was marvelous, full of natural wonders.
-Ive Tending to Attract The new fragrance is designed to attractive.
-Ology Study of Biology Biology is the ology that studies living organisms.
-Phobia Fear of Arachn Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders.
-Ism Doctrine, belief Capital Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership.
-Eer Engaged in, associated with Puppet A puppeteer is skilled in manipulating puppets during a performance.
-Ial Relating to Colonial The museum displays artifacts from the colonial period.
-Tion Act or process of Invent The invention of the wheel revolutionized transportation.
Comprehensive List of 100 Prefixes and Suffixes in English

Comprehensive List of 100 Prefixes and Suffixes in English

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