
Essential Guide to Linking Words in English with Examples

Essential Guide to Linking Words in English with Examples

What are Linking Words?

Linking words, also called transition words or connectives, are the words or phrases used to connect different parts of a text, such as sentences or paragraphs. They help to create coherence and flow in writing by indicating the relationship between ideas. English is a very hard language, and you would probably get confused about how to utilize various linking words in different types of sentences or phrases. So, I have tried to put different linking words in sentences to make it easy for you to learn what linking words. and how they work.

Essential Guide to Linking Words in English with Examples

Essential Guide to Linking Words in English with Examples

Linking Words Use in Sentences

What can I use instead of moreover?

Hina is also a hard-working girl.

Besides these books, all others are very helpful to you.

In Addition
We take 2 more ingredients in addition to garlic.

What’s More
What’s more, I will discuss it with you later.

I am too much tired.

Mariam and Hina are the best friend.

Along With
We should always stand along with our parents.

We can take tea or milk after dinner.

Write the summary of the last lesson.

Tell me your statement briefly.

In Short
In Short, he is a cheater.

They work altogether.

To Conclude
To conclude he listen to my statement completely.

To Sum Up
We have only 1 minute, to sum up, our discussion.

Time & Sequence
Know the value of time and sequence.

We will discuss later.

He was regular after punishment.

I go to school and then I met my friend.

He was lazy before exam.

His house is next to me.

The next season is coming soon.

Finally, he was punished by the police.

First, Second
First, second, and third conditional sentences are important.

He seems a gentleman now.

Cause & Effect
Discuss the causes and effects of hepatitis.

Due To
I am absent due to fever.

We are travelling, hence we can’t attend the meeting.

Alia is a hard-working student therefore she got good grades.

I am feeling tired because of work.

I was hungry thus I have eaten 2 pieces of bread.

Mariam was feeling ill however she went to work.

I was going to market but I changed my decision.

I didn’t get any notification yet.

He is completely unlike his mother.

She sent her a text while studying.

He is careful whereas I take the risk.

Even So
The hypothesis is diagnosed even so further research is required.

Furthermore, I will tell you later.

Contrast is essential in dressing.

In Spite of
In spite of insult, he managed to keep his temper.

As A Result
She was late as a result of the rain.

Abdullah is tall and strong in contrast, Ali is so handsome.

Due to
I can’t go to school due to heavy rain.

The result of the 8th grade is going to be announced on 31 Aug.

Similarly, we shall discuss the topic of content writing.

They participated equally in this tournament.

Just As
I like the cooking just as eating.

Just Like
Khadija’s dresses are just like Mariam’s dresses.

Similar To
Her mobile is similar to my mobile phone.

Same As
I made rice the same as in the given recipe.

I think apples are good, likewise, I think oranges are good.

As With
I like mango as with apple.

A Similar
He has a similar dress to me.

Firstly, Let me know your name.

Finally, I got good marks in the exam.

We are following the given instructions.

I am getting ready before the function.

Above All
Explain the above all given questions.

Indeed, Allah is the best creator.

I will come on Tuesday.

Especially I would like to eat mango.

I am telling you everything about the previous story.

You are absolutely right.

Definitely I’ll show you, my shoes.

I will never fight again.

Of Course
Of course you are right.

Such As
You can follow the conditions such as given below.

Onion garlic and green chili are included in the pulao recipe.

I like many fruits namely Apple, Banana, Mango etc.

I like an apple.

In this Case
In this case, I chose option A.

I like the illustration.

There was an emphasis on student participation.

I wish I help you but I have a financial problem too.

Mariam buys many toys although toys are costly.

I like mango however it disturbs my stomach.

She will never agree to go with me unless her brother permits her.

All is good except my mother.

If I make a tea then will you take it?

Apart from
Apart from football, he plays basketball and tennis.

As long as
As long as you try, you can succeed.

Different Uses of Linking Words

Giving Examples

Below are some words that can be used to when you want to quote or offer an examples in a conversation. These words are used at the beginning and middle of a sentence.

  • For example
  • For instance
  • Such as
  • Like
  • Including
  • Namely
  • Specifically
  • To illustrate
  • To demonstrate
  • As an illustration
  • In particular
  • Let’s say
  • In the case of
  • As a case in point
  • As proof
  • Take, for example
  • Consider
  • One example of this is
  • In this case
  • To give an example of
  • For one thing
  • To clarify
  • To emphasize
  • To highlight
  • In other words

Summarizing Words

Below are some words that can be used to when you want to describe the summary of  a is important to note that these words can be used both at the beginning and middle of a sentence.

  • In conclusion
  • To sum up
  • Overall
  • In summary
  • To recapitulate
  • To put it briefly
  • All in all
  • In a nutshell
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • To briefly recap
  • In short
  • So, in essence
  • As a result
  • In brief
  • Thus
  • Therefore
  • Consequently
  • Accordingly
  • Hence
  • In other words
  • For these reasons
  • To reiterate
  • To draw a conclusion

Adding Information

Below are some words that can be used to when you want to add some information to the ongoing conversation. it is important to learn that these words can be used both at the beginning and middle of a sentence.

  • Furthermore
  • Moreover
  • Additionally
  • Also
  • In addition
  • Besides
  • Furthermore
  • Likewise
  • Furthermore
  • Not only… but also
  • As well as
  • Apart from that
  • What’s more
  • Another key point is
  • Additionally
  • In the same vein
  • Furthermore, it should be noted that
  • Moreover, it’s important to mention
  • In addition to this
  • Besides this

Sequencing Ideas

Below are some words that can be used to when you want to arrange different elements of a conversation in a logical manner. it is important to learn that these words cab be used both at the beginning and middle of a sentence.

  • Firstly
  • Secondly
  • Thirdly
  • Next
  • Then
  • Afterward
  • Subsequently
  • Meanwhile
  • In the meantime
  • Simultaneously
  • In the following
  • Consequently
  • Accordingly
  • Therefore
  • As a result
  • Thus
  • Eventually
  • Finally
  • In conclusion
  • To summarize

Words for Giving a reason

Below are some words that can be used to when you want to arrange different elements of a conversation in a logical manner. it is important to learn that these words can be used both at the beginning and middle of a sentence.

  • Because
  • Since
  • As
  • Due to
  • Owing to
  • For
  • For the reason that
  • Inasmuch as
  • Seeing that
  • Considering that
  • Given that
  • Seeing as
  • On account of
  • As a result of
  • Therefore
  • Consequently
  • So
  • Hence
  • Thus
  • For this reason

Words for Giving a result

Below are some words that are used to when the purpose is to offer a reason for any action that happens. it is important to learn that these words can be used both at the beginning and middle of a sentence.

  • Therefore
  • Thus
  • Consequently
  • Hence
  • As a result
  • For this reason
  • So
  • Accordingly
  • That’s why
  • Because of this
  • Consequently
  • For that reason
  • On that account
  • Thereby
  • Henceforth
  • Accordingly
  • As a consequence
  • With that in mind
  • In consequence
  • Resulting in

Words for Contrasting Ideas

Below are some words that are used to when the purpose is to describe two or more ideas that are totally opposite in nature. it is to be kept in mind that that these words can be used both at the beginning and middle of a sentence.