
List of Green Vegetables in English with Pictures

List of Green Vegetables in English with Pictures

Green vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrition, offering a plethora of health benefits that are essential for our overall well-being. These verdant delights not only add a burst of color to your plate but also pack a punch when it comes to vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In this blog post, we’ll explore a diverse and delectable list of green vegetables that should be a staple in your diet. Whether you’re a dedicated health enthusiast or just looking to improve your eating habits, these easy-to-find and easy-to-prepare greens can help you on your journey to better health.

When we think of green vegetables, we often picture crisp, vibrant leaves, and rightly so! Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are nutritional powerhouses. They are brimming with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as vital minerals like iron and calcium. Spinach, for instance, is rich in iron, which helps maintain healthy blood and energy levels, while kale is a fantastic source of vitamin K, crucial for bone health.

The list of green vegetables doesn’t stop at leafy greens, though. Broccoli, asparagus, and green beans are also worth a mention. Broccoli, often dubbed a superfood, is packed with fiber, vitamin C, and folate. Asparagus, with its distinctive flavor, is a good source of fiber and contains vitamins A and K. Green beans, on the other hand, provide a dose of vitamins C and K, as well as fiber, supporting digestive health and overall vitality.

Another group of green vegetables that shouldn’t be overlooked includes zucchini, cucumbers, and green peas. These versatile veggies can be enjoyed in various culinary creations. Zucchini and cucumbers offer hydration and essential vitamins, and green peas, with their sweet taste, provide a healthy dose of dietary fiber, which can aid in weight management and digestive health.


List of Green Vegetables in English with Pictures

Green Vegetables

Leafy Vegetables in English

Serial No. Green Vegetables Green Vegetables Image
1 Spinach Spinach
2 Broccoli Broccoli
3 Kale Kale
4 Peas Green Peas
5 Green Beans Green Beans
6 Zucchini Zucchini
7 Cucumber Cucumber
8 Asparagus Asparagus
9 Brussels Sprouts Brussel sprouts
10 Celery Celery
11 Lettuce Lettuce
12 Edamame Edamame
13 Artichoke Artichoke
14 Collard Greens Collard Greens
15 Okra Okra
16 Swiss Chard Swiss Chard
17 Cabbage Cabbage
18 Bok Choy Bok Choy
19 Snow Peas Snow Peas
20 Watercress Watercress
21 Mustard Greens Mustard Greens
22 Arugula Arugula
23 Green Onions Green Onions
24 Coriander Cilantro (Coriander)
25 Dill Dill
26 Green Cabbage Green Cabbage
27 Chives Chives
28 Green Peppers Green Peppers (Capsicum)
29 Green Tomatoes Green Tomatoes
30 Endive Endive
31 Turnip Greens Turnip Greens
32 Green Radishes Green Radishes
33 Green Squash Green Squash
34 Green Eggplant Green Eggplant
37 Green Avocado Green Avocado
38 Chayote Chayote
39 Kohlrabi Kohlrabi
40 Mint Mint
41 Perilla Perilla
42 Green pumpkin Green pumpkin
43 Calabash Calabash
44 Ridge gourd Ridge gourd
45 Green garlic Green garlic

Green Vegetables with Some Detail

Lady Finger (Okra)


Ladyfingers, otherwise called okra, are green, stretched cases with a somewhat tacky surface when cooked. They are in many cases utilized in stews, soups, or broiled dishes and are valued for their capacity to thicken sauces.



Chives are slim, green, and grass-like spices with a gentle onion flavor. They are usually utilized as an enhancement for different dishes, including soups, mixed greens, and prepared potatoes.



Zucchini is a green summer squash with a gentle, somewhat sweet flavor. It’s flexible and can be barbecued, sautéed, broiled, or utilized in prepared merchandise like zucchini bread.


Green Cabbage

Cabbage is a verdant green or purple vegetable known for its flexibility, gentle flavor, and fresh surface. It has a place with the Brassica group of vegetables, which likewise incorporates broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.


Celery is a fresh, green vegetable with an invigorating, gentle flavor. It’s frequently utilized as a crunchy nibble, in servings of mixed greens, soups, and as a flavor enhancer in stocks and sauces.



Mint is a fragrant spice with dazzling green leaves and an invigorating, cool taste. It’s utilized in different culinary applications, including refreshments (like mint tea), mixed greens, pastries, and as an embellishment.



Perilla, otherwise called Perilla frutescens, is a herbaceous plant local to East Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea. It is broadly developed for its tasty leaves, seeds, and oil.


 Artichokes are huge, green, thorn like vegetables with delicate, consumable leaves and a heart. They are frequently bubbled or steamed and presented with plunging sauces.


Leeks are comparable in appearance to huge green onions yet have a milder, better flavor. They are ordinarily utilized in soups, quiches, and as a side dish.


Kohlrabi is a green or purple vegetable that looks like a turnip with stems and leaves. It has a gentle, somewhat sweet taste and can be eaten crude in plates of mixed greens or cooked in different dishes.


Kale is a leafy green vegetable known for its dark green, wavy or level leaves. It is exceptionally nutritious, plentiful in nutrients (particularly vitamin K and vitamin A), minerals, and cell reinforcements.


Edamame are youthful, green soybeans that are gathered before they completely full grown.



Spinach is a dull verdant green vegetable with delicate leaves and a gentle, somewhat natural flavor.


Chayote, otherwise called vegetable pear or mirliton, is a green, creased cleaned natural product that is in many cases treated as a vegetable in cooking.

List of Green Vegetables in English with Pictures

Green Vegetables

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