
Simple Future Tense with Examples In English

Simple Future Tense with Examples In English

The Simple Future Tense helps us talk about what will happen later. You can easily make it by adding just will or shall before a verb. It’s like saying, I will eat or She will dance. You can also use it to guess about tomorrow, plan something for later, or promise to do something in the future. It’s a simple way to talk about what’s coming next!

Simple Future Tense with Examples In English

Simple Future Tense with Examples In English

Definition of Simple Future Tense:

The Simple Future Tense is used to talk about actions that have not happened yet but will happen after the time of speaking. To make this tense,  you just need to add will or sometimes shall before the main verb. For example, you might say, Tomorrow, I will visit my friend.

Positive Sentences Structure :

Subject + will/shall + base form of the verb
  • I will go to the market.
  • She will sing a song.
  • They will eat an apple.

You can also use shall instead of will,  but it’s less common nowadays, especially in American English.

Uses of Future Simple Tense:

1. We use this tense for different reasons but It’s often used to make predictions about the future based on present evidence or beliefs.

    • I think it will rain tomorrow.
    • She will become a doctor someday.

2. We can also use the Simple Future to talk about things we intend or plan to do in the future.

  • I will call you later.
  • They will go on vacation next month.

3. It’s used to make promises or offers, expressing a commitment to do something in the future.

  • I will help you with your homework.
  • He will buy you a present for your birthday.

4. Sometimes, we use the Simple Future to make decisions on the spot about something we will do in the future.

  • The phone is ringing. I will answer it.
  • I’m hungry. I think I’ll order pizza for dinner tonight.

How to form Simple Future Tense?

If we want to make the these Tense, you just need to add will or shall before the main verb. That’s it!

Subject Will/Shall Base Form of Verb
I will go
You will eat
He/She/It will dance
We will study
You will play
They will travel

 Simple Future Tense examples:

  • I will go to se my friend.
  • You will eat your meal.
  • He/She/It will dance in the party.
  • We will study for exams.
  • You will play cricket with your friends.
  • They will travel to Dubai by Next month.

Negative Sentences Structure :

It is quite easy to make the Simple Future Tense negative.  You just need to add will not (which is often shortened to won’t) before the main verb

Subject + will not/won’t + base form of the verb

For Examples:

  • I + will not/won’t + go
  • She + will not/won’t + dance
  • They + will not/won’t + eat

So, you simply just insert will not or its contraction won’t between the subject and the base form of the verb to create the negative form of these Tense.

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