
What are Transitive Verbs? Types with Examples In Grammar

Transitive Verbs definition, types with Examples in English

Transitive verbs are like word helpers in grammar. They need two things to work: someone doing the action (that’s the subject) and someone or something receiving the action (that’s the object). They show who does what to whom or what. Transitive verbs examples include, in “John kicked the ball,” “John” is doing the kicking (subject), and “ball” is getting kicked (object). These help us tell stories or talk about actions. If you understand them, you’ll be better at putting sentences together and making sure others understand you. They’re like the glue that holds sentences together!

Transitive Verbs definition, types with Examples in English

Transitive Verbs definition, types with Examples in English

Transitive Verbs:

These are action verbs that require a direct object to complete their meaning in a sentence. In other words, they transfer the action from the subject to the object. The direct object is the noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb.


  • She bought a new dress for the party.
  • He built a beautiful house by the lake.
  • They cooked dinner for their guests.

Types of Transitive Verbs:

  • Simple Transitive Verbs
  • Double Transitive Verbs
  • Phrasal Transitive Verbs
  • Causative Transitive Verbs
  • Factitive 

Simple Transitive Verbs:
These verbs have a direct object that directly receives the action of the verb.


  • She ate an apple.
  • He kicked the ball.
  • They wrote a letter.

Double Transitive Verbs:
These verbs take two objects, a direct object and an indirect object. The direct object receives the action, and the indirect object receives the direct object.


  • She gave him a book.
  • He showed me his new car.
  • They sent her a gift.

Phrasal Transitive Verbs:
These verbs consist of a main verb and one or more particles (prepositions or adverbs). They function as a single unit, often with idiomatic meanings.


  • He put off the meeting.
  • She turned down the offer.
  • They looked into the matter.

Causative Transitive Verbs:
These verbs express causing someone to do something or causing something to happen. They can be followed by both a direct object and an infinitive or a that-clause.


  • He made her cry.
  • She had her hair cut.
  • They got him to sign the contract.

Factitive Transitive Verbs:
These verbs involve a change of state or condition of the direct object. They often link the direct object with its new state or condition.


  • They elected him president.
  • She painted the wall red.
  • He appointed her manager.

Transitive Verb Examples:

  • She bought flowers.
  • He built a sandcastle.
  • They cooked dinner.
  • The teacher explained math.
  • We cleaned rooms.
  • He finished painting.
  • She wrote letters.
  • They planted seeds.
  • He opened a box.
  • She sent emails.

Transitive Verb Exercise:

1. What is the transitive verb in the sentence: “She ate the delicious cake”?
a) She
b) Ate
c) Delicious
d) Cake
2. Identify the transitive verb: “They built a new bridge.”
a) They
b) Built
c) New
d) Bridge
3. Which word is the transitive verb in this sentence: “The cat chased the mouse”?
a) Cat
b) Chased
c) Mouse
d) The
4. In the sentence “He handed her the keys,” what is the transitive verb?
a) Handed
b) He
c) Her
d) Keys
5. What is the transitive verb in the following sentence? “She bought a gift for her friend.”
a) She
b) Bought
c) Gift
d) Friend
6. Which word is the transitive verb: “He read the book”?
a) He
b) Read
c) The
d) Book
7. Identify the transitive verb: “They painted the wall blue.”
a) They
b) Painted
c) Wall
d) Blue
8. What is the transitive verb in this sentence: “She handed me the documents”?
a) She
b) Handed
c) Me
d) Documents


1. b) Ate,
2. b) Built
3. b) Chased
4. a) Handed
5. b) Bought
6. b) Read
7. b) Painted
8. b) Handed

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