
Human Body Parts

Human Body Organs in English| Parts of the Body

Let’s talk about the Human Body Parts that keep us healthy! These parts are called organs. They work together to help us live and function. For example, the heart moves blood around our body, the lungs help us breathe, and the brain controls everything we do. In this blog post, we will learn about these amazing organs and how they work together for our health.

Human Body Organs in English | Parts of the Body
Human Body Organs in English

Parts of the Body

  • Head
  • Neck
  • Chin
  • Armpit
  • Chest
  • Leg
  • Belly
  • Waist
  • Mouth
  • Palate
  • Ear
  • Jaw
  • Pulse
  • Elbow
  • Ankle
  • Arm
  • Cheek
  • Eye-brow
  • Forehead
  • Heel
  • Foot
  • Hair
  • Intestines
  • Ear-drum
  • Finger
  • Nostril
  • Nose
  • Pupil
  • Beard
  • Liver
  • Parting
  • Sole
  • Backbone
  • Joint
  • Kidney
  • Vein
  • Eyelid
  • Eyelash
  • Gums
  • Forefinger
  • Bones
  • Skin
  • Ribs
  • Throat
  • Lungs
  • Thumb
  • Palm
  • Wrist
  • Tongue
  • Navel
  • Shoulder
  • Toe
  • Thigh
  • Nail
  • Stomach
  • Teeth
  • Lip
  • Knee
  • Face
  • Mustache
Human Body Organs in English | Parts of the Body
Human Body Organs in English

Parts of the Mouth

  • eyelash
  • hair
  • mole
  • ear
  • mustache
  • chin
  • jaw
  • mouth
  • eyelid
  • nose
  • neck
  • forehead
  • lip
  • eyebrow
  • nostril
  • cheek
  • temple

Internal Body Parts

  • Lungs
  • Urinary bladder
  • Appendix
  • Larynx
  • Gallbladder
  • Spleen
  • Brain
  • Trachea
  • Pharynx
  • Larynx
  • Arteries
  • Heart
  • Liver
  • Stomach
  • Kidneys

Parts of the Hand

  • Fingernail
  • knuckle
  • Ring finger
  • Little finger
  • Index finger
  • Middle finger
  • Palm
  • Wrist

Parts of the Body with Description

Body PartDescription
HeadThe top part of your body that includes your face and hair.
BrainThe thinking part inside your head that helps you understand and remember things.
EyesThe parts on your face that let you see things around you.
EarsThe parts on the sides of your head that help you hear sounds.
NoseThe part on your face that you use to breathe and smell things.
MouthThe opening on your face where you eat, talk, and make expressions.
LipsThe soft parts around your mouth that you use to talk, eat, and give kisses.
TeethHard parts in your mouth that help you chew and break down food.
TongueThe muscle in your mouth that helps you taste and move food around when you eat.
CheeksThe fleshy parts on the sides of your face that you can puff out or smile with.
Eyebrows & EyelashesThe small hairs above your eyes that help keep sweat and dust out.
NeckThe part that connects your head to your body and helps you turn your head.
ThroatThe part inside your neck that helps you swallow food and drink.
ShouldersThe parts on either side of your neck that connect your arms to your body.
ArmsThe upper limbs that help you lift and carry things.
ElbowsThe joint in the middle of your arm that lets it bend.
HandsThe body parts at the end of your arms that help you grab and hold things.
FingersThe small parts at the end of your hands that help you grab things.
NailsHard coverings on the tips of your fingers and toes.
ChestThe upper part of your body that holds your heart and lungs.
HeartA strong muscle in your chest that pumps blood throughout your body.
LungsThe parts in your chest that help you breathe by taking in air and letting out carbon dioxide.
StomachA bag-like organ in your belly that helps break down the food you eat.
LiverAn organ in your belly that helps clean your blood and does important jobs for your body.
KidneysParts in your belly that clean your blood by making urine.
BladderA bag-like organ in your belly that stores the urine made by your kidneys.
IntestinesLong tubes in your belly that help digest food and absorb nutrients.
HipsThe bony parts on each side of your body where your legs connect.
BackThe rear side of your body from your shoulders to your hips.
Spine (Backbone)The row of bones in your back that helps you stand up straight and protects your spinal cord.
LegsThe lower limbs that help you walk and run.
KneesThe joints in the middle of your legs that help them bend.
FeetThe body parts at the end of your legs that help you stand and walk.
ToesThe small parts at the end of your feet that help with balance.
SkinThe outer covering of your body that keeps everything inside safe.
BloodThe red liquid that flows through your body in veins and arteries, carrying oxygen and nutrients.
MusclesParts of your body that help you move and do things.

FAQS on Parts of the Body

1. What is the largest organ in the human body?

    The skin is the largest organ, covering and protecting the entire body.

    2. Which organ helps pump blood throughout the body?

      The heart pumps blood and keeps oxygen flowing to all parts of the body.

      3. How many bones are in the human body?

        An adult human body has 206 bones.

        4. Which body part helps with balance?

          The ears and feet play a major role in maintaining balance.

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