
List of Birds A to Z in English with Their Pictures

List of Birds A to Z in English with Their Pictures

Birds are extraordinary creatures that grace our world with their beauty and diversity. To truly appreciate the avian wonders that surround us, it’s important to delve into the realm of birds’ vocabulary and familiarize ourselves with List of birds. In this blog post, we’ll embark on an exciting journey into the world of avian language, making it simple for bird enthusiasts and nature re lovers to understand and remember the names of the birds they encounter. Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher or just someone with a casual interest in our feathered friends, let’s take a fascinating dive into the lexicon of our avian companions.

Understanding a List of birds is like learning the names of new friends. Some of these names may be as familiar as “robin” or “sparrow,” while others might sound more exotic, like “peregrine falcon” or “scarlet tanager.” These names are like the keys to unlocking a world of information about the birds themselves, from their unique appearances to their behaviors and habitats. Learning these names is not just for the experts; it’s for anyone who wants to build a deeper connection with the natural world.

Characteristics of Birds
Birds are warm-blooded animals, and their wings keep their body warm. You can distinguish birds by their wings, jaws, beak, and feathers. Birds lay eggs, and they belong to the Ave family. The skeleton of the birds is light in weight which helps them to fly high.

They fly with their wings and eat with their beak. They also use their beak to fight with different other birds. Similarly, they use their beak to make nests. Some birds also swim in water with the help of their wings. Birds use their claws to fight and walk.

Birds can have different colors and sizes, and shapes. They live in different environments. That’s why the number and type of birds found in one area are different than the other. Like humans, they have a sense of smell, touch, taste, sight, and hearing.
Some birds can’t fly but have wings and can swim like penguins. Some birds are running birds like an ostrich. So, you’ll find different types of birds in your surroundings, depending on your climate. The birds that live in the seaside differ from those in hilly areas or Baren land.

Some birds are pet birds, while some are wild birds. Similarly, some birds are running birds while others are flying birds. It is beneficial as well as interesting for us to remember the names of different birds. We have listed here the A-Z birds name list.

Birds are categorized into the following categories..

Flying birds
These birds can fly very high. There are about 50 billion to 30 billion birds on this planet. And this makes about 9000-10000 species of birds. Of these species, most of them are flying birds.

Running birds
When we think about birds, the first thing that comes to our mind is they fly. But this is not always the case. Some birds can’t fly. Instead, they can run fast and have the ability to swim in the water. Examples of running birds include ostrich, chicken, Penguin, and Kiwis.

Pet birds:
A lot of people have birds as pets. The most common pet birds are chickens, parrots, ostrich, peacocks, etc.

Wild birds
Most of the birds are wild birds. Goose, Coot, snipe, Partridge, and turkey are wild birds;.

List of Birds A to Z in English with Their Pictures

Birds Vocabulary

List of Birds in English

Serial. no Bird Name Bird image
1 Sparrow Sparrow
2 Vulture Vulture
3 Pigeon Pigeon
4 Osprey Osprey
5 Crow Crow
6 Kestrel Kestrel
7 Wren Wren
8 Eagle Eagle
9 Hawk Hawk
10 Dove Dove
11 Finch Finch
12 Falcon Falcon
13 Parrot Parrot
14 Sparrow hawk Sparrow hawk
15 Magpie Magpie
16 Owl Owl
17 Peacock Peacock
18 Starling Starling
19 Egret Egret
20 Swallow Swallow
21 Duck Duck
22 Hen Hen
23 Rooster Rooster
24 Robin Robin
25 Seagull Seagull
26 Scarlet Macaw Scarlet Macaw
27 Barn Owl Barn Owl
28 Hummingbird Hummingbird
29 Kingfisher Kingfisher
30 Stork Stork
31 Woodcock Woodcock
32 Woodpecker Woodpecker
33 Blue Jay Blue Jay
34 Quail Quail
35 Snowy Owl Snowy Owl
36 Pelican Pelican
37 Canary Canary
38 Hornbill Hornbill
39 Crane Crane
40 Flamingo Flamingo
41 Toucan Toucan
42 Roadrunner Roadrunner
43 Lapwing Lapwing
44 Swan Swan
45 Heron Heron
46 Lark Lark
47 Goshawk Goshawk
48 Cormorant Cormorant
49 Albatross Albatross
50 Bald Eagle Bald Eagle
51 Tomtit Tomtit
52 Hoopoe Hoopoe
53 Puffin Puffin 
54 Goose Goose 
55 Raven Raven
56 Cuckoo Cuckoo 
57 Ostrich Ostrich
58 Penguin Penguin
59 Parakeet Parakeet
60 Kiwi Kiwi

List of Birds with Some Details

Tomtit birds are small and colorful. They live in trees and gardens. They like to eat bugs and insects. They sing pretty songs. They build their nests in holes in trees. Some tomtits are in trouble because they are losing their homes, but others are okay.

The hoopoe is a special bird with a fancy crown on its head. It’s not too big, about 10 to 12 inches long. You can find them in Europe, Asia, and Africa. They like to live in gardens and fields.

Puffins are cute, black-and-white birds with bright orange beaks and feet. They live in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans, mainly in places like Iceland. Puffins are great at swimming and flying. They’re awesome at catching small fish, like sand eels, and can hold lots of them in their beaks.

Goose are big water birds. They have long necks and webbed feet for swimming. There are different kinds of geese, like Canada goose. You can find goose in lots of places around the world near water, like lakes and rivers.

Ravens are big black birds. They’re really smart and can solve problems. You can find them in lots of places like forests, mountains, and even in cities. Ravens eat different things like insects, berries, and even dead animals. They can mimic sounds, which means they can copy the noises of other birds and even people.

Ostriches are the biggest birds in the world. They come from Africa and are really tall, about 9 feet. They can run very fast, even though they can’t fly. Ostriches eat plants, seeds, fruits, and insects. They’re known for laying the biggest eggs.

Penguins are cute birds that can’t fly but are great swimmers. They mostly live in the Southern Hemisphere, like around Antarctica. Penguins have black and white feathers and webbed feet for swimming. They eat fish, squid, and tiny creatures from the sea.

Parakeets are small, colorful parrots. They’re about 7 to 8 inches long and come in many colors like green, blue, and yellow. These birds are originally from Australia but are kept as pets all over the world. They like to live in different kinds of places, from woodlands to open fields.

Kiwi birds are small and special birds from New Zealand. They’re round and have long beaks, but they can’t fly. Their feathers look like shaggy brown hair. Kiwi birds are active at night and are really good at finding bugs and worms to eat. They like to live in forests and grassy areas.

Albatrosses are huge birds with super long wings. They can fly for a really long time without flapping. They mostly live in the big oceans near Antarctica. They eat fish and squids they find in the ocean. Albatrosses are excellent at flying and can travel really far to find food.

Ospreys are big birds that are excellent at catching fish. They have a white head and dark stripes on their face. They like to live near water, like lakes and rivers. When they want to eat, ospreys hover in the sky and then dive down to grab fish from the water with their sharp talons.

Lapwings are medium-sized birds with a cool black and white look and a fancy crest on their heads. They live in Europe, Asia, and some parts of Africa. Lapwings like open places, such as meadows and farmlands. They are known for their loud “peewit” calls and are good at flying, doing fancy tricks in the air.

Toucans are colorful birds with big, bright bills that look like they belong in a tropical paradise. You can find them in Central and South America, especially in lush forests. Toucans love to eat fruits, insects, and sometimes even small animals. They use their big bills to pick fruit from trees.

Hornbills are amazing birds known for their big, curved beaks and colorful feathers. They can be found in Africa, Asia, and some Pacific Islands, living in forests and trees. Hornbills eat a mix of foods like fruits, insects, and even small animals. Some species really love fruits.

Snowy Owl:
Snowy owls are big and beautiful birds. They live in the cold Arctic places in North America, Europe, and Asia. They are all white, which helps them hide in the snowy landscape. These owls like to eat small animals, especially lemmings. They are great hunters and can fly really well.

Magpies are cool black and white birds that live in different places all around the world, like Europe, Asia, and even North America. They can be found in forests, parks, and sometimes even in cities. Magpies are pretty smart and can recognize themselves in mirrors.

Blue Jay:
Blue jays are cool birds with blue feathers on top and a white face. They live in North America and can be seen in forests, parks, and even cities. These birds eat all sorts of things, like seeds, nuts, bugs, and sometimes even eggs from other bird nests. They’re known for their loud calls, and they can copy the sounds of other birds.

Quails are small birds with a round body and short legs. They wear speckled brown and white feathers, which help them blend in with their surroundings. You can find quails almost everywhere in the world, except Antarctica. They like open places like fields and forests.

Canaries are small and pretty birds. They come in different colors, like yellow and orange. People love them for their sweet singing. They originally come from the Canary Islands in the ocean. But now, you can find them all over the world as pets.

Seagulls are birds you often see near the sea. They come in different sizes and colors, but many are white or gray. You can find them at the beach, near lakes, and even in towns. Seagulls eat a mix of things, like fish, insects, and even leftovers they find.

List of Birds A to Z in English with Their Pictures

Birds Vocabulary

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